Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rocking Mama Challenge

I have chosen to join the "Rocking Mama Challenge."  I have been following A Bushel and a Peck for a few months now.  She has giving me strength, encouragement and resources that I had not realized I so desperately needed.  We took her suggestion on taking sabbaticals.  That has sent us out in one way and brought us home in another.  I love her 50 points of Joy- but I have yet to sit down and write 5.  When I read her post on the Rocking Mama Challenge I knew it was time to start listening to the little whispers that I keep ignoring. ( I believe the Holy Spirit whispers to me- and often times I am not listening.)
   I actually wept when I read what the challenge was.  I wept because I felt so strongly that this is something I really do not want to do.  The day is spent disciplining "A" and when it's quiet, the last thing I want to do is sit and rock with him.   He has taken up so much of my time already.  Time away from my 4 others.  Time away from my husband.  Forget about a sabbatical- I'm too tired to do anything!
   But what if... What if I take just 15 minutes a day for 28 days. What if it helps him to attach?  What if it helps me to attach?  What if he calms down?  Then I would calm down. The entire family might calm down.  Perhaps the earth would rotate just a bit slower...
 Not much to lose, but so much to gain.
It's worth a try.

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